To cause positive social impact by way of actions that promote culture, education and sustainability. This is the mission of Cinear Produções, cultural production company acting all over Brazil that since 1994 is committed to strengthening relationships between communities and organizations.
We promote education in many different fields according to observed needs in each region, seeking to combine teaching with instilling an appreciation of traditions, practices and the wisdom of that land. The entire process is documented and the screened before the feature film of the evening in our outdoor cinema event, as a way to celebrate the coming together of people, cultures and ideas.
The projects executed by Cinear Produções seek to cause positive social impact by way of actions that promote culture, education and sustainability in the brazilian countryside. Since its inception, Cinear has traveled over 300,000 kilometers, through 13 brazilian states, and has executed over 2,000 workshops and over 700 outdoor film screenings.
Before every project even begins, a thorough research on the history and culture of the community’s inhabitants is done, with the purpose of creating a record, a documentation of
the local traditions, wisdom and customs, through different media like text, audio, photos and video.
From the fruits of that research, our team tailors workshops in different areas in order to better serve the specific needs of that community. Everything is fully documented.
The communities visited by the project also receive a outdoor film screening, through which all the work accomplished in the community is showcased, as well as other short and feature films curated with that community in mind. This event marks the closing of the project.
Participants of the workshops have access to a digital platform through which they can ask questions, consolidate their learning and connect to other participants, enabling a network of cooperation and interchange of experiences to be formed.
We are a multidisciplinary group, formed by professionals with different skillsets and backgrounds. The team makeup is tailored to the needs of whatever project being executed.
Click on the names to read the Bio
Graduated in Business Administration and postgraduate in Marketing by FUMEC. He worked at Manduri 35 Cinematográfica, in SP, at Radio Geraes FM, in BH. In 1994, he founded Cinear and has since then carried out cultural, social and educational projects in Brazil.
Graduated in Journalism from UFRJ, André Teixeira worked for the newspaper O Globo, as photo reporter and photo editor, and was a correspondent for Photo Magazine. Since 2015 he has worked as an editor and screenwriter.
Graduated in Industrial Design in Italy, with extension by Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. Has experience in Graphic Design, with passing in studios in Turin and Belo Horizonte. He has worked on Concept Design and Strategic Design projects in Sweden.
Graduated in Journalism, he made photographic reports for several newspapers and magazines in Brazil. He has published 2 books on the rescue of crafts and cultural events for FAOP and Sebrae, as well as collective and individual exhibitions. Coordinator and teacher of photography workshops.
Graduated in Law and postgraduate in Marketing from PUC-MG, postgraduate degree in Business Management from Fundação Dom Cabral. Coordinator and producer on Cinear projects.
Graduated in Journalism from UFMG and Master in Creative Writing from the University of Seville, Spain. She acted as a freelance reporter on travel journalism, environment and politics. Works with content production, social media management and press advisory.
Graduated in Product Design from Fumec. Photographer, cinematographer and editor. He participated in several projects at Cinear, dedicating himself to recording activities, inserting subtitles and performing translations to English.
Anthropologist, Master in Social Anthropology from UFMG and Ph.D. in Education from the same university. Researcher linked to the Nucleus of Studies on Quilombola and Traditional Populations (NuQ) in UFMG since 2006.
Graduated in Electronics and Informatics by Cotemig. He began working as a projectionist at the age of 14, in João Monlevade. In Belo Horizonte, he worked in several movie theaters, including Cine Belas Artes and Mis Cine Santa Tereza. At Cinear, he performs the functions of projection, sound technician and maintenance of audio and video equipment.
Graduated in Psychology from UFMG and Ph.D. in Literary Studies, from the same university. She is the organizer of the book `` Around the Cartel`` and has articles published in several journals of psychoanalysis. She works in the area of clinical care and research.
Public Relations specialist in Digital Communication. In the projects of Cinear, works developing content for the web site and social network medias. She works as a Performance Marketing Analyst and Marketing Consultant.
Graduated in Social Communication (UFMG). She works with film and camera editing and in recent years has worked with documentary projects. In Cinema on the São Francisco River, she participates in the production and edition of short films.
`{` In memoriam `}`
Graduated in Social Studies, with qualification in Geography from PUC-MG. Since 2007, at Cinema São Francisco River, she has been involved in planning, designing and researching culinary habits. From 2007 to 2016, she was an instructor of manual arts (embroidery and sewing) in the Aglomerado do Cafezal.
Graduated in Advertising from PUC-MG. She has worked as a camerawoman and freelance editor since 2010. At Cinear, she participated in the recording of images and the production of documentaries.
Since 2005 he is the executive producer of Cinear Produções, acting in the planning, execution and finalization of projects. Worked at the Municipal Office of Social Assistance of the Municipality of Belo Horizonte as an inclusion monitor - communication advisory.
Graduated in Business Administration from Newton Paiva College. He works at Cinear in fundraising, production and project planning.
Graduated in Journalism from UFMG and Master in Anthropology from the same university. Has experience of research in the areas of anthropology, design, cinema, music and heritage. She directed a documentary about the memory of the “batuques” (cultural manifestation that involves dancing, music, art and game) of the São Francisco River. She is a member of the Research Group on Design Systems of UFMG.
Graduated in Journalism from UFMG. In the projects of Cinear, she acted as communications consultant and production assistant. She has experience as a radio producer and social educator.
Graduated in Journalism from PUC-MG, she worked as a photographer at sporting events in Brazil and abroad. She also made photographic coverage of cultural events. She takes pictures of exchange students during trips through various regions of Brazil, South American countries, the United States and Europe.